Open Access Article
Climate Change and Meteorology. 2024; 1: (1) ; 21-24 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ccm.20240005.
Current Situation and Development of Meteorological Metrological Verification
Min Zhang1 *,
Jian Zhang2,
Chaoming Zhang1,
Shuangen Jin1
1 山西省大气观测与技术保障中心 山西太原
2 新疆维吾尔自治区气象局 新疆
Min Zhang,单位: 山西省大气观测与技术保障中心 山西太原;
发布时间: 2024-11-19 总浏览量: 250
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关键词: 气象学;计量检定;现状
Meteorological Metrology began in the 1950s and has made important contributions to the accuracy and comparability of observational network data. Meteorological Metrological verification is an important link to ensure the quality of meteorological observation equipment and the transmission of meteorological elements metrological standards, and to carry out scientific, normative and high standard metrological verification of meteorological observation instruments, is our country each meteorological station observation data comparability, the accuracy and the consistency important guarantee. With the continuous development of meteorological metrology verification business, especially the need of the construction of modern meteorological technology support work. With the development of science and technology, meteorological observation data are more and more dependent on the acquisition of instruments. However, the baseline drift of the instrument itself causes the reliability of the measured or detected data to decrease with the time. Therefore, the verification of meteorological metrology is of great significance in meteorological operations.
Key words: Meteorology; Metrological verification; Present situation
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MinZhang, JianZhang, ChaomingZhang, ShuangenJin, 气象计量检定现状与发展[J]. 气候变化与气象学, 2024; 1: (1) : 21-24.